Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sylvia Plath T-shirts

Many t-shirts featuring Sylvia Plath are available online. Two websites with a myriad of t-shirts are Zazzle and CafePress, each hosting shirts in many different styles and colors. In addition, some of the shirts display positive tributes to Plath, while others are more negative.

From Zazzle (click to enlarge):

The first is an excerpt from Plath's 1953 journal; the second commemorates Plath's lifespan; and the third simply professes love for Plath.

From CafePress (click to enlarge):

The first is a painting of Plath; the second is another profession of love; and the third is an excerpt from her poem "Lady Lazarus" which reads: "Out of the ash / I rise with my red hair / And I eat men like air."

Among the more negative t-shirts are the following (click to enlarge):

The first is an with furrowed brows beckoning, "Helloooo Sylvia..." and the second is a shirt querying "Did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold?"

Of note is that on both websites, t-shirts with positive connotations far outnumber t-shirts that are more mocking or unpleasant.

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